1 – New Year’s Day (Año Nuevo), a national holiday. Banks and public government offices remain closed.
6 – Three Kings Day (Día de Los Reyes) is the traditional gift-giving day in the Mexican celebration of holidays when children receive toys and gifts in honor of the Three King’s visit to baby Jesus.
17 – Feast Day of San Antonio de Abad is a Mexican religious holiday during which the Catholic Church which allows animals to enter the church for their blessing.
From January to June: San José del Cabo’s Art walk
January, Todos Santos Music Festival
Whale Watching
Visitors that come to Los Cabos during the months of late November through March will be treated to a spectacular sight of whales just offshore. Of the eleven species of whales found worldwide, eight venture to the waters off of Cabo. The ideal climate, shallowness, salinity and abundant food resources of the bays and lagoons north of town make this the perfect breeding and nursery grounds for the whales and their young. Breeding areas are primarily situated on the Pacific side, but some of these whales travel around the cape to the Sea of Cortez. Visitors on local whale watching trips are often rewarded with up-close encounters with these beautiful and gentle giants.
2 – Candlemas is a religious celebration that heralds the arrival of spring with candlelight processions, music, food and dances. The traditional blessing of seeds and candles co-mingles pre-Hispanic and European traditions and marks the end of winter.
5 – Constitution Day, national holiday and parade. Banks and public government offices remain closed.
February-March: Carnaval de La Paz, Baja California Sur, read more: https://www.facebook.com/Que-pasa-La-Paz-105932297676536/
14 – Valentine’s Day (Día de Amistad); in Mexico, not just love, but friendship as well is celebrated on February 14. Special menus in fine restaurants, and live music to dance in different Latino ambience night clubs.
24 – Mexican Flag Day. Mexican celebration.
Whale Watching
5 – Carnaval Day. Carnaval is an indulgent celebration of pleasure before the sober fasting period of the Catholic Lent. The event begins the weekend before Lent, Carnaval is celebrated exuberantly with feasting, drinking, parades, and dancing in the streets. Port towns such as Ensenada, La Paz, Mazatlan and Veracruz are the best places to watch Carnaval festivities.
First Wednesday of the month – Ash Wednesday.
Mid-March: Festival of San Jose – San Jose del Cabo. This festival is in honor of the city’s patron saint, San José (St. Joseph). This 11-day festival culminates on March 19 every year. Beginning with evening parties and music on the 8th of March, the festival increases with carnivals and parades on weekends. Food venues are placed throughout all downtown, and booths carrying items like fresh warm tamales and sugared pumpkin candies are also available.
21 – Benito Juarez Day is a national holiday honoring the renowned former president who is known as “The Lincoln of Mexico.” March 21 First Day of Spring, and the beginning of the Springbreak season.
Whale Watching
Semana Santa and Pascua, (Easter Break); Cabo San Lucas is at its peak occupancy during this pre-Easter Holy week, a time of national vocational and “spring break” from schools.
30 – Día de Los Niños (Children’s Day). Kids make a parade on the streets and have parties.
1 – Labor Day, a national holiday. Banks and public government offices remain closed
5 – Celebration the defeat of the French Army at Puebla in 1862, national holiday, Banks and public government offices remain closed.
10 – Mother’s Day, a national holiday
Mid May: International Game Fish Association Offshore Championship Tournament, held in Cabo San Lucas. https://www.igfa.org/
Father’s Day: 3rd Sunday in June
1 – Navy Day is an official Mexican holiday.
End of June, early July: Annual Stars & Stripes Fishing and Golf Tournament, a “feel-good” Cabo San Lucas event held since 1996 has helped raise millions of dollars. The proceeds benefit children in the US and Mexico. A 4-day long event that includes a fishing tournament, golf and music.
16 – Fiesta of the Virgin of Carmen: In honor of a woman who is believed to be a protector of Mexico, the festivities begin with many craft vendors on the streets. In the afternoon, a parade of school children followed by mothers with families and puppeteers come their way through the downtown streets. The bullfights also take place in the afternoon at the Toros Stadium one kilometer south of the city. A small fishing tournament run by the city also takes place during this festival day.
25 – Festival of St. James, Credited with bringing Catholicism to Mexico, St. James the Apostle is envisioned through legends as a magical man who rides a white horse. The parades and festivities held in Cabo reflect the wonder still felt by the people for this patron saint of Spain. Look for riders mounted on white horses in the parades and re-enacted battlefield skirmishes staged at the town square around dusk. The parades begin at 2 pm followed by closed shops and street parties swelling from the cantinas. This event takes place throughout downtown.
End of July or start of August: Bisbee’s East Cape Sportfishing Tournament held at East Cape. A fishing tournament where anglers compete for Black or Blue Marlin, Dorado and Tuna. Designed for serious anglers who love competition in a casual and convivial environment.
For more information visit https://www.bisbees.com
15 – Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Treasured by the people of Mexico, this event celebrates the Virgin Mary’s departure from earth and into heaven. Processions begin the day (about 10 am) with musical bands and floats denoting the Virgin Mary’s life. Many mothers holding babies join the parade, and the locals and tourists stand by and catch the treats thrown to them from the parade participants.
Los Cabos Summer Dive Fiesta
Dates change
Scuba divers of all ages and skill levels will love the Los Cabos Summer Dive Fiesta. Held in the Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park, the weeklong events include dives, gatherings and beach parties.
1 – Annual State of the Union, though this date is an approximation, the President delivers the State of the Union Address in the autumn.
8 – Dia de Nuestra Señora; This local Baja holiday celebrates Baja’s first mission.
Mexico’s independence
Commemorated during the month of September, with the famed Independence Eve celebration taking place on the 15th. On this night, the central plaza is filled with revellers participating in the traditional Grito, or Cry for Independence. The following day is a national holiday, celebrated by a parade through the center of town and continuing festivities.
14 – Charro Day.
Mexican Charros (Mexican cowboys) parade through town in the morning (beginning at 10:00 am) wearing traditional charro outfits with beautifully decorated jackets, pants and sombreros.
Their finely brushed horses are decked with their best equipment.
Festivities continue throughout the day and evening at various charro rings, celebrations include bullfights, calf roping, traditional Mexican food and dancing.
15 – 16: Mexican Independence Celebration in Los Cabos, The day before the Mexican Independence Day will be celebrated with fireworks, folk dancing and mariachi bands. These festivities will be followed the next day with parades, speeches, family picnics and more.
12 – Todos Santos Fair and Festivals
Event held in Todos Santos. October 12 is the date of the festival of Nuestra Señora del Pilar, the patron saint of Todos Santos. This date is celebrated as the founding of the town of Todos Santos. There are usually activities, including fair and live music in the plaza, most of the week of the 12th. There is dancing to live music in the evenings on the zocalo. And lots of food and drink.
12 – Dia de la Raza
This day also celebrates Columbus’ arrival to the Americas and the historical origins of the Mexican mestizo race which blended the Spanish and the indigenous.
18 – Fiesta de Cabo San Lucas, is a festival which celebrates the patron saint of Cabo San Lucas. Every October 18th, streets are closed off downtown for a parade. The festival features dancing, music and food vendors.
End of October – Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament, where anglers compete for tuna, dorado and marlin. Friendly competition, cash prizes. https://www.bisbees.com
End of October- Bisbee’s Black and Blue Marlin Tournament; a dramatic shotgun stars this exciting fishing tournament featuring big cash prizes. Anglers from all over the world converge on Los Cabos to compete for record marlin. https://www.bisbees.com
Whale Migration
Oct 15 – April 15
Starting October until mid-April, all along the peninsula you will be able to see the migrating whales. Many whales enjoy the warm waters of Los Cabos, including the Gray Whale, Blue Whale, Sperm Whale, Humpback and Fin Whale. Some of the whale activity viewable from shore includes breaching (jumping into the air), sounding (showing the tail fin as they dive) and spyhopping (where the whale lifts its head to the surface and looks around).
Cabo San Lucas Fair and Festivals
The second half of October
1 – 2 Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is an important Mexican holiday merges pre-Columbian beliefs and modern Catholicism. Europe’s All Saint’s Day and the Aztec worship of the dead contribute to these two days honoring Mexico’s dead.
Start of October – Western Outdoor News Tuna Jackpot Tournament
Annual Mercury/WON Los Cabos Tuna Jackpot
17 – 28 SCORE Baja 1000: Annual desert racing event down the length of the Baja Peninsula, through tough desert terrain. http://score-international.com/
20 – Revolution day, on this day parades and rodeos commemorate the Mexican Revolution.
Whale Watching Season in Los Cabos
Visitors who come to Los Cabos during the months of late November through March shall be treated to a spectacular sight of whales just offshore. Of the eleven species of whales found worldwide, eight venture to the waters off of Los Cabos. The ideal climate, shallowness, salinity and abundant food resources of the bays and lagoons north of Los Cabos make this the perfect breeding and nursery grounds for the whales and their young. Breeding areas are primarily situated on the Pacific side, but some whales travel around the cape to the Sea of Cortez. Visitors on local whale watching trips are often rewarded with up-close encounters with these magnificent and gentle giants.
12 – Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe; This nationwide display of traditional culture is celebrated with street fairs, fireworks, processions, masses and more.
16 – 24 Christmas Posadaswhuch are candle-lit processions from house to house for nine days prior to Christmas enhance the excitement of Christmas in Mexico.
25 – With the rest of the Christian world, Mexico celebrates the day of Christmas.